Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Ultimate Choice
Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all others-the ultimate choice.This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life.This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone for being  the best student and person you can possibly be.This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
To be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT THING 24/7!!!


Friday, June 3, 2016

Beautiful Character

If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.

Chinese Proverb

What i think this quote means is that when you see something pretty or you're doing something pretty there will be harmony in that. The more you do nice stuff the more harmony you will get. The more harmony you have then the more peace you will get in life. So if you want peace follow these steps and you'll  find peace.  So continue if you have peace.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating."

This quote that we received today is something that not most people do these days. People tend to cheat their way out of things so they won't have to get in trouble or fail at something. For example, If there was a basketball game and my team won and the other team lost people would think that that is a fair game. The only thing that people don't know is that one of my teammates cheated their way of the game to get our team a victory. That there isn't being honest to yourself. I would rather fail and keep my head up and trying that win but cheating your way out. Cheating is basically saying that you know you're going to fail so you need extra support because you know that the  team that you're going against is tough to beat. If people knew that you cheated the whole time they would completely lose all respect for you and call to the loser because you did something that is against the rules. Honestly no one wants to live that way. It's like you're making yourself miserable when you cheat because later on in life you will regret it.
Current Health -Related

An issue do to medical is HIV/AIDS. It's a big issue because 35 million people are living with it right now. People under 15 have HIV/AIDS. Which says that 3.2 people under 15 have HIV/AIDS. There is no cure for this kind of disease. Till there second birthday they will die. You get this disease by sexual activity. You and your partner exchange body fluids. There symptoms to this disease is if you get a flu,and some people don't have symptoms but over the years they will start getting them. People can avoid it by using condoms, and other kind of necessary things that protects you from getting pregnant. There are people that have so many pills to take in one day. They have so much trouble taking pills cause of the size and what kind of pills they are. People started to live with this disease around the 1900’s. MSF is avoiding HIV/AIDS projects in 32 countries. Never share needles or it will go on to you.